Güncelleme Tarihi: 25 August 2023

Visitors: 251

About the Exemption Exam from Foreign Language Courses

Students who have won and registered in our Faculty with 2023/YKS, who want to be exempt from the "Foreign Language Courses" needs to apply between 28 August 2023 - 25 September 2023 (For information) : https://ydyo.bandirma.edu.tr/tr/ydyo/Duyuru/Goster/Zorunlu-Hazirlik-Sinifi-Muafiyet-Sinavi-Basvurulari-hk-30520 ). On 27.09.2023, at 15:00, they will take the exemption exam at the exam venue that will be announced. Students who score 60.00 and above in the exam will be exempted from "Foreign Language I" and "Foreign Language II" courses.