Güncelleme Tarihi: 18 July 2023

Visitors: 219

Bölümümüz 2023 Yılı İlk 6 Ay (Ocak-Haziran) Yayın ve Proje Faaliyetleri

Bölümümüz öğretim üyesi ve öğretim elemanlarının yaptığı faaliyetlerden dolayı tebrik eder, başarılarının devamını dilerim.


Doç. Dr. Levent BİLGİLİ


A systematic review on the acceptance of alternative marine fuels

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Container Cities and Tent Cities for Earthquake Victims: Environmental Impacts and Sustainability Considerations

Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Air, Rail, Road, and Sea Transport Modes in Life Cycle Perspective

Determination of the weights of external conditions for ship resistance

LCA Studies on Marine Alternative Fuels

Emission and Environmental Cost Estimation of Ferries Operating in Lake Van

Application of life cycle assessment of system solution scenarios for municipal solid waste management in Turkey

Determination of NOx emission factor for diesel engines of recreational boats by on-board measurement


                Black Sea SIERRA



Optimization of Micro-Drilling of Laminated Aluminum Composite Panel (Al–PE) Using Taguchi Orthogonal Array Design

Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior Investigations of Nb-Reinforced Mg–Sn–Al–Zn–Mn Matrix Magnesium Composites

Comparative Analysis of Minimum Chip Thickness, Surface Quality and Burr Formation in Micro-Milling of Wrought and Selective Laser Melted Ti64

Powder metal Al2O3 reinforced Mg5Sn matrix composites: Production and characterization

Image Processing Approach to Investigate the Correlation between Machining Parameters and Burr Formation in Micro-Milling Processes of Selective-Laser-Melted AISI 316L

A Multi-Flow Production Line for Sorting of Eggs Using Image Processing

Physico-Mechanical Property Evaluation and Morphology Study of Moisture-Treated Hemp–Banana Natural-Fiber-Reinforced Green Composites





Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Turgay KÖROĞLU


Marine engine efficiency improvement with supercritical-CO2 Rankine waste heat recovery

Developing criteria for advanced exergoeconomic performance analysis of thermal energy systems: Application to a marine steam power plant

Second order finite difference method for the Thomas-Fermi equation via fractional order of algebraic and exponential mapping approach


Gemi kökenli kirliliğin incelenmesi ve yeni temizleme yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesi (Danışman)

Denizcilik sektöründe enerji verimliliği uygulamaları için yazılım üretme (Danışman)


Arş.Gör. Utku Cem KARABULUT


Determination of NOx emission factor for diesel engines of recreational boats by on-board measurement

Second order finite difference method for the Thomas-Fermi equation via fractional order of algebraic and exponential mapping approach

Arş.Gör. Muhammed Umar BAYER


Marine engine efficiency improvement with supercritical-CO2 Rankine waste heat recovery


Arş.Gör. İrfan ÇAVUŞ


Marine engine efficiency improvement with supercritical-CO2 Rankine waste heat recovery